eOxide LQ 85 is an extremely useful disinfection product for many applications like potable water, industrial activities, including water the food and beverage industry. eOxide LQ 85 is a concept in which pure chlorine dioxide is generated in water by the reaction of two stable liquids. There are no hazardous byproducts and there is no risk of explosion. It is very easy to handle and to transport.

Chlorine dioxide, discovered in 1814, was not successful at all in industrial applications and (drinking) water treatment, despite superior disinfection capacities. The main reasons of the lack of success were the physical and chemical properties of the product. Chlorine dioxide had to be produced on the spot, was an unstable and explosive gas and also generated many by-products. (chlorite, free chlorine,...)

EOXIDE LQ 85 is a concept in which a pure chlorine dioxide solution of 0,75% is generated in water by the reaction of 2 stable liquids. The chlorine dioxide is practically 100% pure (99,9 %). There are no by-products such as free chlorine and chlorite. There is no risk of explosion. The kinetic halftime at 20°C is between 30 and 45 days, stored in a dark and dry place. Due to all these advantages and the superior disinfection capacity, chlorine dioxide is now a very useful disinfection product for many applications like potable water, industrial activities, including the food and beverage industry.

EOXIDE LQ 85 can be perfectly used for water disinfection: drinking water, waste water, effluent water, sewage water, oil and gas industry, paper and pulp industry, cooling towers, pipeline and tank cleaning, etc.


EOXIDE LQ 85 has a kinetic halftime between 30 and 45 days when stored in a dark, dry place at the temperature of +- 20°C. Is practically pure: (99,9 %). No explosion risk (use of special chemical inhibitors). Is not corrosive (less than water). Is very easy to handle and transport.


EOXIDE LQ 85 is a broad spectrum disinfectant. Much stronger than chlorine. Kills bacteria, algae, fungi, yeast, viruses, cyst. Broad pH range (4 - 10). Destruction of and prevention against biofilm. Effective against legionella.


EOXIDE LQ 85 does not generate free chlorine when dosed into the water Does not generate chlorite after preparation in the concentrate. Is not generating by products like THM’s, HAA’s and Mutagen X like chlorine is doing. Does neither change the taste nor the color of treated water.


Is very easy to use and can be dosed in low quantities because of its power and strength. Requires very simple dosing and measuring equipment. Implies a very safe preparation method. Does not require a reactor/generator investment.


  • Disinfection of potable water

  • Waste water, processing waters

  • Surface disinfection, food industry

  • Paper and pulp industry, bleaching

  • Cooling towers, against legionella

  • Agriculture, irrigation, drinking water, farm disinfection

  • Food industry, milk, meat, slaughter houses

  • Beverage industry, breweries

  • Washing waters, vegetables, potatoes

  • Swimming pools, Whirlpools

  • Legionella, biofilm removal